I am a second-generation geek, and my life has been filled with photographs starting with my birth picture by my father on his professional-grade camera. So what better way to do a `web-autobiography' than in pictures? |
The 1960's |
The 1970's |
1971... now there are three of us. I am 4, Jennifer is 3, and James Bryan is almost 2.
The outfits were all made by my mom. |
October, 1974. Now all the family is here... I'm 7, Jennifer is 6, Bryan is 5, Lee Alan is 2, and Brenda Arlene is 3 months old. Arlene is the only one that proves I'm not the milkman's child since she's the other non-coppertop. |
First Grade... and another dress made by mom. This was also around the time my sister played hairdresser with a neighbor and got her hair snipped. So mom cut them into (somewhat) straighter bangs... then yanked me and cut my hair, too. Yuk! |