Dancing Stoat Enterprises
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Micole's Khromat Kontinuum

I am a second-generation geek, and my life has been filled with photographs starting with my birth picture by my father on his professional-grade camera. So what better way to do a `web-autobiography' than in pictures?

1960's      1970's      1980's      1990's

The 1960's

April 1967

I was born on Wednesday April 5th, 1967 at 12:55 p.m. in the Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital in Rockledge Florida. I was one week premature and weighed just under 5 pounds and was 17 7/8 inches long. Yes, I was always tiny.

My father said, ``I didn't know they came so small."


I lived my first 6 months of life in a moble home on Merritt Island, Florida. For those of you who don't know, that's the bump on the east side of the state. My father was an engineer working on the Space Program at Cape Canaveral just to the north of us, so I fell asleep to the sounds of rockets, usually using my Turkish Van cat named Tinkerbell as a pillow. This picture was taken when I was 6 months old.


My father's 2-year stint working with NASA ended in October of 1967, and so he moved the little family back to his original base of operations -- Southern California.

This picture of me was when I was 1 year old.


My sister Jennifer Bea was born June 29th, 1968. This picture was taken when I was 2 and she was 1 and already shows how different I was from my sib... for one, she was already as large as I was, let alone the fact that I was a little blonde kid and she was a shocking red-head (not that you can see that from these early photos).

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The 1970's


For some reason, I can't locate a picture from 1970... how odd..... this is from 1969, when I was 2.

It was around the time I was 3 that my artistic nature started showing itself... I was playing piano (not as in banging, but as in the Micky Mouse theme and the Star-Spangled Banner) and drawing little frogs and flowers and stuff ... everywhere!

1971... now there are three of us. I am 4, Jennifer is 3, and James Bryan is almost 2.

The outfits were all made by my mom.


Look, color!  This is my preschool picture, when I was 5.   Mom thought I was too young to go into regular school, so I had one year of preschool, where I got to fingerpaint and let the artistic side free to roam.

March 1973

My Kindergarten picture... and the first time my grandmother put me in rag-curls. I kinda liked the change, but they never stayed in long because my hair was so fine...

October 1974

October, 1974. Now all the family is here... I'm 7, Jennifer is 6, Bryan is 5, Lee Alan is 2, and Brenda Arlene is 3 months old. Arlene is the only one that proves I'm not the milkman's child since she's the other non-coppertop.

First Grade... and another dress made by mom. This was also around the time my sister played hairdresser with a neighbor and got her hair snipped. So mom cut them into (somewhat) straighter bangs... then yanked me and cut my hair, too. Yuk!

March 1974
March 1975

Second Grade school photo... I managed to grow my hair somewhat back again, but they're still putting me in rag-curls for my photos... I didn't have them any other time of the year!

March 1976

Third Grade.... what's wrong with this picture?

The principal and teacher liked the fact I was wearing a patriotic outfit and wanted me to be the `first' on the school picture image... but the photographer wouldn't let me take my right hand off the fake `chair' so I could solute properly! Only years later did I find out how `inappropriate' this image is!

The 1980's

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No, it's not Gay Pride. It's Khromat Pride!

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This website is managed by an insane ermine, so if you notice any problems send email to Khromat@InOrbit.com

Last Updated: 05/09/99