I am an artist, and it would be remiss if I didn't have a page of my art floating on my own website. Along with my illustrations, though, I'm also a writer and costumer and a lot of other things... so, instead of this being the usual `click here for art' kind of area, I've divided it into smaller sections corresponding to tastes and media. |
Look! A web banner for my very own! Go ahead and use this banner to link to my pages... I won't mind a bit! |
The Archive is a collection of random old stuff, mostly not previously available on the net, and miscellaneous imagery. |
General Art is just that... acceptable for all audiences. |
Adult Art is stuff that I consider for Mature Audiences... if you don't think you're mature, don't bother looking here. |
Stories is a NEW single area that contains stories by me and by others about Khromats, Other Suns, and the F'Staa Universe.... |