A view of the Faire from up on Pagent Hill. |
The Constables of St. Ives' Guild in pagent, doing ``Good King John and the Shepard." |
My first attempt at a Faire-ish costume. |
My friend Amber made me a more appropriate costume, even if the neckline was completely wrong for my shape. |
This is the only good picture I got of the actual Guildhouse this year... on the last day of Faire, when strange things are known to happen! |
A jewel merchant and a peasant playing the venerable game of Towers. |
Some of my friends in the Queen's Court, taking it easy under the trees. |
My friend Cory is in back in the teal. |
The Guild of St. Ives, a group portrait. I'm on the far right, sort of in the first row. |