OS Platforms:
¶ Amiga OS version 5 ¶ Macintosh: Systems 5 through 7.5.3 ¶ MS-DOS 3.3, 4.2, 5.0, 6.22, etc. ¶ Newton OS for Series 2000
¶ Windows 3.0, 3.1, 3.11 ¶ Windows for Workgroups 3.11 ¶ WindowsNT 3.51, 4.0
¶ Windows 95, Windows CE 2.0
Miscellaneous Knowledge Skills:
Non-Graphical Software:
¶ Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony (PC: 1.1, 2.1) ¶ Microsoft Access (Windows: 2.0, 7.0) ¶ Microsoft Excel (Windows: 5.0, 7.0) ¶ Microsoft Exchange (Windows: 3.0-4.0)
¶ Microsoft Outlook (Windows: 97) ¶ Microsoft Powerpoint (Windows: 2.0) ¶ Microsoft Publisher (Windows: 1.0 to 4.0) ¶ Microsoft Schedule+ (Windows: 95) ¶ Microsoft Word (PC, Mac, Windows: 2.0 to 7.0)
¶ Quattro Pro (PC, Windows: 4.0, 5.0) ¶ Quicken (PC, Windows: 3.0 to 6.0) ¶ Word Perfect (PC, Windows: 4.2 to 6.0) ¶ WordStar (PC: 3.0 to 5.5)
Graphical Software:
Job History:
3/99 to current Pearson Education 31 Lake Street Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Supervisor: Giselle Redondo Job title: QA Specialist/ QA Lab Admin
New Media Testing of both companion websites and accompaning physical media for Higher Education
textbooks. Primary job duties included various levels of ad hoc, user end testing for both physical media and web-based media; regression testing of all non-print media, reporting anomalies and
issues, and CD Mastering Production copies of approved software.
Secondary job was to create a functional testing lab, allowing for a clean environment of multiple OS
platforms and the ability to easily upload prerequisite applications for testing the New Media Product on. The environment built was based on NT 4.0 Server, using one 10/100 switch, a few hubs to
deciminate network connectivity across all boxes; testing stations with multiple boxes and KVM switches, each box having the ability to load multiple clean OS platforms using drive imaging software and
the ability to load images of installed software via various utilities. Both Mac and PC systems were used, along with one Sun box running Solaris 5 and one Linux box running Redhat Linux 6.2. Two `test
servers', one running Windows2000 Server and the other running Novell Netware 5.1 allowed testing of client-server applications.
2/96 to 3/96 Transcape
215 2nd Street 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Supervisor: Kevin Martin Job title: Quality Assurance
Contract job to test an integrated exercise system for the Health Club industry. Job included
rigorous testing of the system's engine and custom applications software as well as the firmware integration of the company's touch-sensitive hardware with known training equipment. Also did
hardware technician and engineering to prepare demonstration units.
The main engine allowed a user several options while exercising: a simple exercise program,
watching TV, listening to an audio CD of user's choice, or play the custom CD `Trek' applications provided by the company. Custom applications gave the user a `virtual trek' through several
environments, the exercise difficulty changing with the visual change of terrain, allowing the user to simulate an outdoor environment. All four of the engine's main features required testing as
well as the individual `trek' programs.
3/93 to 10/95 The Dreamers Guild
9810 Owensmouth #1 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Supervisor: Allison Hershey Job title: Pixel-Animal Handler (Artist/Animator).
Computer illustration and 2D animation for software games. Game credits: major work in animation and
stories for Inherit The Earth (New World; 1994, CD/ROM for Mac and PC); and FaeryTale Adventure II: Halls of the Dead (Trimark;to be released); minor animation work on
I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream (Cyberdreams; 1995 CD/ROM) and trained the animators as well as some minor animation work on Dinotopia (Turner Entertainment; 1996 CD/ROM)
My job title was indicative of the environment for this game development house: I was more than an
animator or artist. I worked closely with the chief engineer of R&D to perfect in-house tools, specifically those related to the artists and how to interface the art with code. Such tools
included the creation of a ``graphic class library" system to maximize the game's art complexity without enormous memory costs or artists' time; a multi-tooled program to help define the both the
palettes for each object of a sprite's `library' as well as defining actions for each sprite, thus streamlining the scripting process; and a modular isometric-tile drawing package. I assisted the
Chief Art Director in teaching painting techniques and the use of these proprietary tools to other artists who needed them on different projects. Non-animator tasks I performed included writing up game
proposals, story design, character design-sketches, creating a company lapel-pin and assisting in creating company shirts, and coordinating the parking rotation.
On Inherit The Earth, I handled major portions of key character design, character
animation, character close-up graphics, story, and Reality Check. I worked closely with the Art Director and the chief programmer of the project to ensure that there was consistancy in the design
and rendering as well as continuity of the story.
On Faery Tale Adventure II, I assisted the Art Director work with
the process of using a 3D rendered mannikin to build the animation sequences with the necessary alignment to the isometric background, convert the mannikin into the correct 2D format with a special
limited palette, test and build the underlying 3D animation sequences to the specifications of the Project Director so other animators can paint the 2D sprites efficiently, coordinate the looks of the
sprites, key character design for minor sprites added late to the process, and did clean-up or correction of other animators' sprites while concurrently doing animation and sprite
palette-definition. I was one of the three full-time animators for the project and rendered major portions of character animation, story, color mapping and Reality Check.
As Dinotopia
utilized the same graphic engine as Faery Tale, I trained the character animators of this project in how to use the in-house utilities and specifications for the engine. I also worked on converting special dinosaur mannikins into the correct 2D format for the animators to use.
6/86 to 7/90 GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE Huntington Beach, CA
3/84 to 6/86 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Costa Mesa, CA
9/81 to 6/85 FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Fountain Valley, CA
Status: Divorced. U.S. Citizen
« Desktop Publishing and Webpage Design
« Art Illustration, Computer graphics and animation
« Science Fiction and Fantasy « Renaissance Faire, 16th Century Cooking, and Medieval Crafts
« Costume Design and Manufacture
References and Salary History available upon request.